A farmer just north of Sydney requested the help- of recreational hunter Andrew Wily to solve a major problem with a wild pig that was rampaging across his property causing damage to stock and infrastructure.
On Thursday night this week I was requested by the farmer to attend his property in an attempt to bring to an end the problems being caused by a feral wild boar that had been causing him problems.
After driving to his property from Sydney some three hours north I arrived around 9 o'clock at night with the information to hand the wild boar had been seen previously on a wheat paddock several kilometres from the main homestead.
After loading up the Landcruiser Ute with the necessary equipment which included a powerful spotlight and a rifle with telescopic sights powerful enough to bring to an end this problem animal.
We drove down to the wheat paddock and commenced our investigation of the area with the spotlight to see if we could locate the boar
We soon located a number of smaller pigs which were in the wheat and we shot a few of these pigs to help lower the number of feral pigs on the property that had been causing the farmer problems.
We then drove to a similar paddock and after 15 to 20 minutes of driving around the paddock we located in the distance a large dark shadow which on further investigation turned out to be the boar that we had been searching for.
I quickly lent the rifle on the roof of the Landcruiser Ute and dialled up a high powered magnification on the telescopic sight and through the scope I could see clearly the big boar.
With one quick shot to the head I brought down the boar and we were able to collect him from the middle of the wheat paddock.
After a few photographs the farmerload the boar on the side of the Ute and gutted him for the purposes of later skinning and providing the meat for his farm dogs.
Once we had returned to the farmhouse The farmer and I parted company and he was very appreciative that I had helped to bring to an end the problem with this wild boar.
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